Cleaning up after visitors

I’ve told you about wild animals, beaches, rum popsicles and an amazing rainforest for a backyard, but have I told you about how I have to clean gecko droppings off my desk? They are on the windowsills too. Inside and outside. It’s a side effect of living in a rainforest. Lucky me. Dean had to…

Halftime entertainment

The thing about watching the NBA feed in Panama is we don’t get the commercials or halftime commentary. We get the actual arena halftime shows like this one of a very white-haired man doing a handstand on balancing chairs. Impressive. Last night’s game had the senior dance team of New Orleans.

San Blas

You know all those photos you see of Panama? Beautiful beach, clear water, palm trees, white sandy beaches... usually it's San Blas -- a group of 365 islands on the Caribbean side of the country. For us, a two and a half hour drive and another hour by boat. But the payoff? Worth every minute.…